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Update task status by ID



Update a current TaskStatus for a task by task ID.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Task ID of the task whose TaskStatus to update


    operations object[]

    Operations to be applied

  • Array [
  • op stringrequired

    Possible values: [add, remove, replace, move, copy, test]

    The operation to be performed

    path stringrequired

    A string JSON Pointer representing the target path to an element to be affected by the operation

    value object

    The value to be used for the operation, required for "add" and "replace" operations



  • ]


Responds with the updated TaskStatus for the task with the given task ID.

    id stringrequired

    System-generated unique ID of the task this TaskStatus represents

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [QUARTZ, QPOC, QUEUED_TASK]

    Type of task this TaskStatus represents

    uniqueName stringrequired

    Name of the task this TaskStatus represents

    description stringrequired

    Description of the task this TaskStatus represents

    parentName stringrequired

    Name of the parent of the task this TaskStatus represents

    launcher stringrequired

    Service to execute the task this TaskStatus represents

    created date-timerequired

    Creation date of the task this TaskStatus represents

    modified date-timerequired

    Last modification date of the task this TaskStatus represents

    launched date-timerequired

    Launch date of the task this TaskStatus represents

    completed date-timerequired

    Completion date of the task this TaskStatus represents

    completionStatus stringrequired

    Possible values: [Success, Warning, Error, Terminated, TempError]

    Completion status of the task this TaskStatus represents

    messages object[]required

    Messages associated with the task this TaskStatus represents

  • Array [
  • type stringrequired

    Possible values: [INFO, WARN, ERROR]

    Type of the message

    localizedText objectrequired

    Localized form of the message

    locale stringrequired

    Message locale

    message stringrequired

    Message text

    key stringrequired

    Key of the message

    parameters object[]required

    Message parameters for internationalization

  • ]
  • returns object[]required

    Return values from the task this TaskStatus represents

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    Display name of the TaskReturnDetails

    attributeName stringrequired

    Attribute the TaskReturnDetails is for

  • ]
  • attributes objectrequired

    Attributes of the task this TaskStatus represents

    property name* any

    Attributes of the task this TaskStatus represents

    progress stringrequired

    Current progress of the task this TaskStatus represents

    percentComplete integerrequired

    Current percentage completion of the task this TaskStatus represents
