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Reject an Approval Item



This API rejects an Approval Item. Either an admin, or the owning/current user must make this request.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    The ID of the work item

    Example: ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8
    approvalItemId stringrequired

    The ID of the approval item.

    Example: 1211bcaa32112bcef6122adb21cef1ac


A work items details object.


    id string

    ID of the work item

    requesterId stringnullable

    ID of the requester

    requesterDisplayName stringnullable

    The displayname of the requester

    ownerId stringnullable

    The ID of the owner

    ownerName string

    The name of the owner

    created date-time
    modified date-timenullable
    description string

    The description of the work item

    state WorkItemState (string)nullable

    Possible values: [Finished, Rejected, Returned, Expired, Pending, Canceled, null]

    The state of a work item

    type WorkItemType (string)

    Possible values: [Unknown, Generic, Certification, Remediation, Delegation, Approval, ViolationReview, Form, PolicyViolation, Challenge, ImpactAnalysis, Signoff, Event, ManualAction, Test]

    The type of the work item




  • Array [

  • id string

    The ID of the certification

    targetId string

    The ID of the certification target

    targetName string

    The name of the certification target

    targetDisplayName string

    The display name of the certification target

    applicationName string

    The name of the application/source

    attributeName string

    The name of the attribute being certified

    attributeOperation string

    The operation of the certification on the attribute

    attributeValue string

    The value of the attribute being certified

    nativeIdentity string

    The native identity of the target

  • ]

  • approvalItems



  • Array [

  • id string

    The approval item's ID

    account stringnullable

    The account referenced by the approval item

    application string

    The name of the application/source

    name stringnullable

    The attribute's name

    operation string

    The attribute's operation

    value stringnullable

    The attribute's value

    state WorkItemState (string)nullable

    Possible values: [Finished, Rejected, Returned, Expired, Pending, Canceled, null]

    The state of a work item

  • ]

  • name stringnullable

    The work item name

    completed date-timenullable
    numItems integernullable

    The number of items in the work item

    errors string[]




    id stringnullable

    ID of the form

    name stringnullable

    Name of the form

    title string

    The form title

    subtitle string

    The form subtitle.

    targetUser string

    The name of the user that should be shown this form

    sections object[]