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List Roles



This API returns a list of Roles.

A token with API, ORG_ADMIN, ROLE_ADMIN, or ROLE_SUBADMIN authority is required to call this API.


Query Parameters

    for-subadmin string

    If provided, filters the returned list according to what is visible to the indicated ROLE_SUBADMIN Identity. The value of the parameter is either an Identity ID, or the special value me, which is shorthand for the calling Identity's ID. A 400 Bad Request error is returned if the for-subadmin parameter is specified for an Identity that is not a subadmin.

    Example: 5168015d32f890ca15812c9180835d2e
    limit int32

    Possible values: <= 50

    Default value: 50

    Note that for this API the maximum value for limit is 50. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: 50
    offset int32

    Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: 0
    count boolean

    If true it will populate the X-Total-Count response header with the number of results that would be returned if limit and offset were ignored.

    Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send count=true if that value will not be used.

    See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: true
    filters string

    Filter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters

    Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators:

    id: eq, in

    name: eq, sw

    created: gt, lt, ge, le

    modified: gt, lt, ge, le eq, in

    requestable: eq

    Example: requestable eq false
    sorters comma-separated

    Sort results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters

    Sorting is supported for the following fields: name, created, modified

    Example: name,-modified
    for-segment-ids comma-separated

    If present and not empty, additionally filters Roles to those which are assigned to the Segment(s) with the specified IDs.

    If segmentation is currently unavailable, specifying this parameter results in an error.

    Example: 0b5c9f25-83c6-4762-9073-e38f7bb2ae26,2e8d8180-24bc-4d21-91c6-7affdb473b0d
    include-unsegmented boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether or not the response list should contain unsegmented Roles. If for-segment-ids is absent or empty, specifying include-unsegmented as false results in an error.

    Example: false


List of Roles

  • Array [
  • id string

    The id of the Role. This field must be left null when creating an Role, otherwise a 400 Bad Request error will result.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 128 characters

    The human-readable display name of the Role

    created date-time

    Date the Role was created

    modified date-time

    Date the Role was last modified.

    description stringnullable

    A human-readable description of the Role

    owner objectrequired

    The owner of this object.

    type string

    Possible values: [IDENTITY]

    Owner type. This field must be either left null or set to 'IDENTITY' on input, otherwise a 400 Bad Request error will result.

    id string

    Identity id

    name string

    Human-readable display name of the owner. It may be left null or omitted in a POST or PATCH. If set, it must match the current value of the owner's display name, otherwise a 400 Bad Request error will result.

    accessProfiles object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • id string

    ID of the Access Profile

    type string

    Possible values: [ACCESS_PROFILE]

    Type of requested object. This field must be either left null or set to 'ACCESS_PROFILE' when creating an Access Profile, otherwise a 400 Bad Request error will result.

    name string

    Human-readable display name of the Access Profile. This field is ignored on input.

  • ]
  • entitlements object[]
  • Array [
  • type string

    Possible values: [ENTITLEMENT]

    Entitlement's DTO type.

    id string

    Entitlement's ID.

    name stringnullable

    Entitlement's display name.

  • ]
  • membership objectnullable

    When present, specifies that the Role is to be granted to Identities which either satisfy specific criteria or which are members of a given list of Identities.

    type RoleMembershipSelectorType

    Possible values: [STANDARD, IDENTITY_LIST]

    This enum characterizes the type of a Role's membership selector. Only the following two are fully supported:

    STANDARD: Indicates that Role membership is defined in terms of a criteria expression

    IDENTITY_LIST: Indicates that Role membership is conferred on the specific identities listed

    criteria objectnullable

    Defines STANDARD type Role membership

    operation RoleCriteriaOperation


    An operation

    key objectnullable

    Refers to a specific Identity attribute, Account attibute, or Entitlement used in Role membership criteria

    type RoleCriteriaKeyTyperequired


    Indicates whether the associated criteria represents an expression on identity attributes, account attributes, or entitlements, respectively.

    property stringrequired

    The name of the attribute or entitlement to which the associated criteria applies.

    sourceId stringnullable

    ID of the Source from which an account attribute or entitlement is drawn. Required if type is ACCOUNT or ENTITLEMENT

    stringValue stringnullable

    String value to test the Identity attribute, Account attribute, or Entitlement specified in the key w/r/t the specified operation. If this criteria is a leaf node, that is, if the operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, STARTS_WITH, or ENDS_WITH, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error.

    children object[]nullable

    Array of child criteria. Required if the operation is AND or OR, otherwise it must be left null. A maximum of three levels of criteria are supported, including leaf nodes. Additionally, AND nodes can only be children or OR nodes and vice-versa.

  • Array [
  • operation RoleCriteriaOperation


    An operation

    key objectnullable

    Refers to a specific Identity attribute, Account attibute, or Entitlement used in Role membership criteria

    type RoleCriteriaKeyTyperequired


    Indicates whether the associated criteria represents an expression on identity attributes, account attributes, or entitlements, respectively.

    property stringrequired

    The name of the attribute or entitlement to which the associated criteria applies.

    sourceId stringnullable

    ID of the Source from which an account attribute or entitlement is drawn. Required if type is ACCOUNT or ENTITLEMENT

    stringValue stringnullable

    String value to test the Identity attribute, Account attribute, or Entitlement specified in the key w/r/t the specified operation. If this criteria is a leaf node, that is, if the operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, STARTS_WITH, or ENDS_WITH, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error.

    children object[]nullable

    Array of child criteria. Required if the operation is AND or OR, otherwise it must be left null. A maximum of three levels of criteria are supported, including leaf nodes. Additionally, AND nodes can only be children or OR nodes and vice-versa.

  • Array [
  • operation RoleCriteriaOperation


    An operation

    key objectnullable

    Refers to a specific Identity attribute, Account attibute, or Entitlement used in Role membership criteria

    type RoleCriteriaKeyTyperequired


    Indicates whether the associated criteria represents an expression on identity attributes, account attributes, or entitlements, respectively.

    property stringrequired

    The name of the attribute or entitlement to which the associated criteria applies.

    sourceId stringnullable

    ID of the Source from which an account attribute or entitlement is drawn. Required if type is ACCOUNT or ENTITLEMENT

    stringValue string

    String value to test the Identity attribute, Account attribute, or Entitlement specified in the key w/r/t the specified operation. If this criteria is a leaf node, that is, if the operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, STARTS_WITH, or ENDS_WITH, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error.

  • ]
  • ]
  • identities object[]nullable

    Defines role membership as being exclusive to the specified Identities, when type is IDENTITY_LIST.

  • Array [
  • type DtoTypenullable


    An enumeration of the types of DTOs supported within the IdentityNow infrastructure.

    id string

    Identity id

    name stringnullable

    Human-readable display name of the Identity.

    aliasName stringnullable

    User name of the Identity

  • ]
  • legacyMembershipInfo objectnullable

    This field is not directly modifiable and is generally expected to be null. In very rare instances, some Roles may have been created using membership selection criteria that are no longer fully supported. While these Roles will still work, they should be migrated to STANDARD or IDENTITY_LIST selection criteria. This field exists for informational purposes as an aid to such migration.

    property name* anynullable

    This field is not directly modifiable and is generally expected to be null. In very rare instances, some Roles may have been created using membership selection criteria that are no longer fully supported. While these Roles will still work, they should be migrated to STANDARD or IDENTITY_LIST selection criteria. This field exists for informational purposes as an aid to such migration.

    enabled boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the Role is enabled or not.

    requestable boolean

    Default value: false

    Whether the Role can be the target of access requests.

    accessRequestConfig objectnullable

    Access request configuration for this object

    commentsRequired booleannullable

    Default value: false

    Whether the requester of the containing object must provide comments justifying the request

    denialCommentsRequired booleannullable

    Default value: false

    Whether an approver must provide comments when denying the request

    approvalSchemes object[]

    List describing the steps in approving the request

  • Array [
  • approverType string


    Describes the individual or group that is responsible for an approval step. Values are as follows.

    OWNER: Owner of the associated Role

    MANAGER: Manager of the Identity making the request

    GOVERNANCE_GROUP: A Governance Group, the ID of which is specified by the approverId field

    approverId stringnullable

    Id of the specific approver, used only when approverType is GOVERNANCE_GROUP

  • ]
  • revocationRequestConfig objectnullable

    Revocation request configuration for this object.

    commentsRequired booleannullable

    Default value: false

    Whether the requester of the containing object must provide comments justifying the request

    denialCommentsRequired booleannullable

    Default value: false

    Whether an approver must provide comments when denying the request

    approvalSchemes object[]

    List describing the steps in approving the revocation request

  • Array [
  • approverType string


    Describes the individual or group that is responsible for an approval step. Values are as follows.

    OWNER: Owner of the associated Role

    MANAGER: Manager of the Identity making the request

    GOVERNANCE_GROUP: A Governance Group, the ID of which is specified by the approverId field

    approverId stringnullable

    Id of the specific approver, used only when approverType is GOVERNANCE_GROUP

  • ]
  • segments string[]nullable

    List of IDs of segments, if any, to which this Role is assigned.

  • ]