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Entitlement Aggregation



Starts an entitlement aggregation on the specified source. If the target source is a delimited file source, then the CSV file needs to be included in the request body. You will also need to set the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data. A token with ORG_ADMIN, SOURCE_ADMIN, or SOURCE_SUBADMIN authority is required to call this API.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Source Id

    Example: ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8


    file binary

    The CSV file containing the source entitlements to aggregate.


Aggregate Entitlements Task


    id string

    System-generated unique ID of the task this taskStatus represents

    type string

    Type of task this task represents

    uniqueName string

    The name of the task

    description string

    The description of the task

    launcher string

    The user who initiated the task

    created date-time

    The creation date of the task



    Return values from the task

  • Array [

  • displayLabel string

    The display label for the return value

    attributeName string

    The attribute name for the return value

  • ]
