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Get Workflow Execution



Use this API to get a single workflow execution. Workflow executions are available for up to 90 days before being archived. If you attempt to access a workflow execution that has been archived, you will receive a "404 Not Found" response.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Workflow execution ID.


Workflow execution.


  • Array [

  • id string

    Workflow execution ID.

    workflowId string

    Workflow ID.

    requestId string

    Backend ID that tracks a workflow request in the system. Provide this ID in a customer support ticket for debugging purposes.

    startTime date-time

    Date/time when the workflow started.

    closeTime date-time

    Date/time when the workflow ended.

    status string

    Possible values: [Completed, Failed, Canceled, Executing]

    Workflow execution status.

  • ]
