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Returns a Recommendation Based on Object



The getRecommendations API returns recommendations based on the requested object. The recommendations are invoked by IdentityIQ and IdentityNow plug-ins that retrieve recommendations based on the performed calculations.



    requests object[]
  • Array [
  • identityId string

    The identity ID

    item object
    id string

    ID of the access item to retrieve the recommendation for.

    type string


    Access item's type.

  • ]
  • excludeInterpretations boolean

    Default value: false

    Exclude interpretations in the response if "true". Return interpretations in the response if this attribute is not specified.

    includeTranslationMessages boolean

    Default value: false

    When set to true, the calling system uses the translated messages for the specified language

    includeDebugInformation boolean

    Default value: false

    Returns the recommender calculations if set to true

    prescribeMode boolean

    Default value: false

    When set to true, uses prescribedRulesRecommenderConfig to get identity attributes and peer group threshold instead of standard config.


The recommendations for a customer

    response object[]
  • Array [
  • request object
    identityId string

    The identity ID

    item object
    id string

    ID of the access item to retrieve the recommendation for.

    type string


    Access item's type.

    recommendation string

    Possible values: [YES, NO, MAYBE, NOT_FOUND]

    The recommendation - YES if the access is recommended, NO if not recommended, MAYBE if there is not enough information to make a recommendation, NOT_FOUND if the identity is not found in the system

    interpretations string[]

    The list of interpretations explaining the recommendation. The array is empty if includeInterpretations is false or not present in the request. e.g. - [ "Not approved in the last 6 months." ]. Interpretations will be translated using the client's locale as found in the Accept-Language header. If a translation for the client's locale cannot be found, the US English translation will be returned.

    translationMessages object[]

    The list of translation messages, if they have been requested.

  • Array [
  • key string

    The key of the translation message

    values string[]

    The values corresponding to the translation messages

  • ]
  • recommenderCalculations RecommenderCalculations

    The calcuations performed behind the scenes that provide recommendations to the user.

    identityId string

    The ID of the identity

    entitlementId string

    The entitlement ID

    recommendation string

    The actual recommendation

    overallWeightedScore number

    The overall weighted score

    featureWeightedScores object

    The weighted score of each individual feature

    property name* number
    threshold number

    The configured value against which the overallWeightedScore is compared

    identityAttributes object

    The values for your configured features

    property name* object
    value string
    featureValues object

    The feature details

    feature string

    The type of feature

    numerator int32

    The number of identities that have access to the feature

    denominator int32

    The number of identities with the corresponding feature

  • ]