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IAI Identity Outliers Latest Summary



This API returns a most recent snapshot of each outlier type, each containing: the number of identities that customer has, the number of outliers, and the type of outlier Requires authorization scope of 'iai:outliers-management:read'


Query Parameters

    type string

    Possible values: [LOW_SIMILARITY, STRUCTURAL]

    Type of the identity outliers snapshot to filter on


Succeeded. Returns list of objects. Each object is a summary to give high level statistics/counts of outliers


  • Array [

  • type string

    Possible values: [LOW_SIMILARITY, STRUCTURAL]

    The type of outlier summary

    snapshotDate date-time

    The date the bulk outlier detection ran/snapshot was created

    totalOutliers integer

    Total number of outliers for the customer making the request

    totalIdentities integer

    Total number of identities for the customer making the request

    totalIgnored integer

    Total number of ignored outliers

  • ]
