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Permissions for Entitlement Certification Item




This endpoint has been deprecated and may be replaced or removed in future versions of the API.

This API returns the permissions associated with an entitlement certification item based on the certification item's ID. A token with ORG_ADMIN or CERT_ADMIN authority is required to call this API. Reviewers for this certification can also call this API.


Path Parameters

    certificationId stringrequired

    The certification ID

    Example: ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8
    itemId stringrequired

    The certification item ID

    Example: 2c91808671bcbab40171bd945d961227

Query Parameters

    filters string

    Filter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters

    Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators:

    target: eq, sw

    rights: ca

    All field values (second filter operands) are case-insensitive for this API.

    Only a single and or or composite filter operator may be used. It must also be used between a target filter and a rights filter, not between 2 filters for the same field.

    For example, the following is valid: ?filters=rights+ca+(%22CREATE%22)+and+target+eq+%22SYS.OBJAUTH2%22

    The following is invalid: ?filters=rights+ca+(%22CREATE%22)+and+rights+ca+(%SELECT%22)

    Example: target eq "SYS.OBJAUTH2"
    limit int32

    Possible values: <= 250

    Default value: 250

    Max number of results to return. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: 250
    offset int32

    Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: 0
    count boolean

    If true it will populate the X-Total-Count response header with the number of results that would be returned if limit and offset were ignored.

    Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send count=true if that value will not be used.

    See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: true


A list of permissions associated with the given itemId

  • Array [
  • rights string[]

    All the rights (e.g. actions) that this permission allows on the target

    target string

    The target the permission would grants rights on.

  • ]