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Account Details



Use this API to return the details for a single account by its ID.
A token with ORG_ADMIN, SOURCE_ADMIN, SOURCE_SUBADMIN, or HELPDESK authority is required to call this API.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Account ID.

    Example: ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8


Account object.


    id string

    System-generated unique ID of the Object

    name stringrequired

    Name of the Object

    created date-time

    Creation date of the Object

    modified date-time

    Last modification date of the Object

    sourceId stringrequired

    The unique ID of the source this account belongs to

    sourceName stringrequired

    The display name of the source this account belongs to

    identityId string

    The unique ID of the identity this account is correlated to

    cloudLifecycleState stringnullable

    The lifecycle state of the identity this account is correlated to

    identityState stringnullable

    The identity state of the identity this account is correlated to

    connectionType string

    The connection type of the source this account is from

    type stringnullable

    The type of the account





    The account attributes that are aggregated

    property name* anynullable

    The account attributes that are aggregated

    authoritative booleanrequired

    Indicates if this account is from an authoritative source

    description stringnullable

    A description of the account

    disabled booleanrequired

    Indicates if the account is currently disabled

    locked booleanrequired

    Indicates if the account is currently locked

    nativeIdentity stringrequired

    The unique ID of the account generated by the source system

    systemAccount booleanrequired

    If true, this is a user account within IdentityNow. If false, this is an account from a source system.

    uncorrelated booleanrequired

    Indicates if this account is not correlated to an identity

    uuid stringnullable

    The unique ID of the account as determined by the account schema

    manuallyCorrelated booleanrequired

    Indicates if the account has been manually correlated to an identity

    hasEntitlements booleanrequired

    Indicates if the account has entitlements



    The identity this account is correlated to

    type string

    Possible values: [IDENTITY]

    The type of object being referenced

    id string

    ID of the identity

    name string

    Human-readable display name of the identity



    The owner of the source this account belongs to

    type string

    Possible values: [IDENTITY]

    The type of object being referenced

    id string

    ID of the identity

    name string

    Human-readable display name of the identity

    features stringnullable

    A string list containing the owning source's features

    origin stringnullable

    Possible values: [AGGREGATED, PROVISIONED, null]

    The origin of the account either aggregated or provisioned




    The identity who owns this account, typically used for non-human accounts

    type string

    Possible values: [IDENTITY]

    The type of object being referenced

    id string

    ID of the identity

    name string

    Human-readable display name of the identity




    The governance group who owns this account, typically used for non-human accounts

    type string

    Possible values: [GOVERNANCE_GROUP]

    The type of object being referenced

    id string

    ID of the governance group

    name string

    Human-readable display name of the governance group
