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Delete Custom Password Instructions by page ID



This API delete the custom password instructions for the specified page ID. A token with ORG_ADMIN authority is required to call this API.


Path Parameters

    pageId stringrequired

    Possible values: [change-password:enter-password, change-password:finish, flow-selection:select, forget-username:user-email, mfa:enter-code, mfa:enter-kba, mfa:select, reset-password:enter-password, reset-password:enter-username, reset-password:finish, unlock-account:enter-username, unlock-account:finish]

    The page ID of custom password instructions to delete.

    Example: mfa:select

Query Parameters

    locale string

    The locale for the custom instructions, a BCP47 language tag. The default value is "default".


No content - indicates the request was successful but there is no content to be returned in the response.
