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Bulk remove access profiles from the specified source app



This API returns the final list of access profiles for the specified source app after removing


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    ID of the source app

Query Parameters




  • Array [

  • string

  • ]


The final list of access profiles for the specified source app


  • Array [

  • id string

    The ID of the Access Profile

    name string

    Name of the Access Profile

    description stringnullable

    Information about the Access Profile

    created date-time

    Date the Access Profile was created

    modified date-time

    Date the Access Profile was last modified.

    disabled boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether the Access Profile is enabled.

    requestable boolean

    Whether the Access Profile is requestable via access request.

    protected boolean

    Whether the Access Profile is protected.

    ownerId string

    The owner ID of the Access Profile

    sourceId int64nullable

    The source ID of the Access Profile

    sourceName string

    The source name of the Access Profile

    appId int64nullable

    The source app ID of the Access Profile

    appName stringnullable

    The source app name of the Access Profile

    applicationId string

    The id of the application

    type string

    The type of the access profile

    entitlements string[]

    List of IDs of entitlements

    entitlementCount int32

    The number of entitlements in the access profile

    segments string[]

    List of IDs of segments, if any, to which this Access Profile is assigned.

    approvalSchemes string

    Comma-separated list of approval schemes. Each approval scheme is one of - manager - appOwner - sourceOwner - accessProfileOwner - workgroup:

    revokeRequestApprovalSchemes string

    Comma-separated list of revoke request approval schemes. Each approval scheme is one of - manager - sourceOwner - accessProfileOwner - workgroup:

    requestCommentsRequired boolean

    Whether the access profile require request comment for access request.

    deniedCommentsRequired boolean

    Whether denied comment is required when access request is denied.



    How to select account when there are multiple accounts for the user




  • Array [

  • applicationId string

    The application id







  • Array [

  • name string

    The attribute name

    value string

    The attribute value

    op string

    The operator between name and value

    container boolean

    If it is a container or a real match term

    and boolean

    If it is AND logical operator for the children match terms

    children undefined[]nullable

    The children under this match term

  • ]

  • and boolean

    Default value: true

    If it is AND operators for match terms

  • ]

  • ]
