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Create Non-Employee Source Schema Attribute



This API creates a new schema attribute for Non-Employee Source. The schema technical name must be unique in the source. Attempts to create a schema attribute with an existing name will result in a "400.1.409 Reference conflict" response. At most, 10 custom attributes can be created per schema. Attempts to create more than 10 will result in a "400.1.4 Limit violation" response.


Path Parameters

    sourceId stringrequired

    The Source id

    Example: 2c91808b6ef1d43e016efba0ce470904



    type stringrequired

    Type of the attribute. Only type 'TEXT' is supported for custom attributes.

    label stringrequired

    Label displayed on the UI for this schema attribute.

    technicalName stringrequired

    The technical name of the attribute. Must be unique per source.

    helpText string

    help text displayed by UI.

    placeholder string

    Hint text that fills UI box.

    required boolean

    If true, the schema attribute is required for all non-employees in the source


Schema Attribute created.


    id UUID

    Schema Attribute Id

    system boolean

    True if this schema attribute is mandatory on all non-employees sources.

    modified date-time

    When the schema attribute was last modified.

    created date-time

    When the schema attribute was created.

    type NonEmployeeSchemaAttributeType (string)required

    Possible values: [TEXT, DATE, IDENTITY]

    Enum representing the type of data a schema attribute accepts.

    label stringrequired

    Label displayed on the UI for this schema attribute.

    technicalName stringrequired

    The technical name of the attribute. Must be unique per source.

    helpText string

    help text displayed by UI.

    placeholder string

    Hint text that fills UI box.

    required boolean

    If true, the schema attribute is required for all non-employees in the source
