Use this API to implement connector functionality. With this functionality in place, administrators can view available connectors.
Connectors are the bridges Identity Security Cloud uses to communicate with and aggregate data from sources. For example, if it is necessary to set up a connection between Identity Security Cloud and the Active Directory source, a connector can bridge the two and enable Identity Security Cloud to synchronize data between the systems. This ensures account entitlements and states are correct throughout the organization.
In Identity Security Cloud, administrators can use the Connections drop-down menu and select Sources to view the available source connectors.
Refer to Identity Security Cloud Connectors for more information about the connectors available in Identity Security Cloud.
Refer to SaaS Connectivity for more information about the SaaS custom connectors that do not need VAs (virtual appliances) to communicate with their sources.
Refer to Managing Sources for more information about using connectors in Identity Security Cloud.
Get Connector List
Get Connector List