Using [if mso] to configure button in User Invite Email Template

Our email template service uses an HTML sanitizer that enforces a list of allowed HTML tags and attributes, which is why you are seeing some of them removed from the final result. The list of allowed HTML tags and attribute can be found in the email template docs.

Allowed formatting elements (style is the only allowed attribute): “b”, “i”, “font”, “s”, “u”, “o”, “sup”, “sub”, “ins”, “del”, “strong”, “strike”, “tt”, “code”, “big”, “small”, “br”, “span”, “em”

Allowed block elements (style is the only allowed attribute): “p”, “div”, “h1”, “h2”, “h3”, “h4”, “h5”, “h6”, “ul”, “ol”, “li”, “blockquote”

Allowed tags and attributes:

tag attributes
body id
img id, src, alt, height, width
html id
a id, href
table id
tr id
td id
th id
br id

Comments, including conditional comments, are not allowed.

Most styling is allowed. The list is so long that it’s probably not useful to document here.