Transform firstValid, dateCompare, dateFormat, dateMath

  1. Your outermost transform is FirstValid, but the attributes of this transform is not as per the format required. it needs to have "values" : [...] and you have a dateFormat transform directly assigned to attributes. I am not sure if it is returning any value. As per my knowledge this should be throwing an error.
    You may refer to the example from documentation page
  2. Instead of using an empty string as default value in these FirstValid transforms use a simple DateMath that returns now + or -100 years to suit your comparison logic.
  3. You have dateMath as values inside FirstValid transforms in both firstDate and secondDate. But the value returned from DateMath is not is ISO8601 format. Both date fields for Datecompare should be in ISO8601 format. Have a DateFormat transform wrapped around this firstValid to convert the output from DateMath to ISO8601
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