Services Standard Before Provisioning Rule

@vijaylca Here’s the code from version 1.7.1 (available in the attached ZIP file in this article

	import sailpoint.object.Application;
	import sailpoint.object.Attributes;
	import sailpoint.object.Filter;
	import sailpoint.object.Identity;
	import sailpoint.object.ManagedAttribute.Type;
	import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan;
	import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest;
	import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest;
	import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
	import sailpoint.rule.Account;
	import sailpoint.rule.ManagedAttributeDetails;

	 * Version 1.7.1
	 * Last Updated: 07/18/2022
	 * Main Application Method. This will go through the passed in event configurations. 
	 * If any event trigger/operation matches, it will apply the action for that configuration
	 * The Before Provisioning Rule configurations allows for the generic BeforeProvisioningRule to process common events based on standard best practices. 
	 * The configuration itself is a list of JSON Maps that include 2 basic concepts
	 * 		Trigger: This configuration determines if this event should be applied based on
	 * 			Operation of the account request
	 * 			Identity Attribute values for the user being modified
	 * 			Attribute updates in the account request
	 * 			Entitlement updates in the account request
	 * 			Entitlement Name updates in the account request
	 *			Entitlement Cardinality Update Triggers: This checks if the account request contains 
	 *				updates on the entitlement to either add when previously empty or remove the last entitlement
	 *			Current Account Status Trigger: This checks the current status of the account
	 * 		Action: This configuration determines what to do if this event should be applied. Available options are
	 * 			Move AD Account: Adds AC_NewParent to the specified OU
	 * 			Change Operation: changes the AccountRequest Operation to the specified operation
	 * 			Remove Entitlements: removes all entitlements based on the account in IdentityNow
	 * 			Remove AD Entitlements: sets the memberOf attribute to a list containing the one group
	 * 			Scramble Password: sets the specified attribute to a string of characters
	 * 			Update Attribute: Adds the specified attribute with the specified value
	 * 			Add Argument: Adds the specified argument with the specified value
 	 * 			Add Argument If Not Null: Adds the specified argument with the specified value. If the value is null, it ignores.
	 * 			Throw Error: Throws an error specified in the value attribute or "Unspecified Exception"
	 * 			Stop Processing: Stops processing the BeforeProvisioningRule and proceeds to provisioning.

	public void applyEventConfigurations(ProvisioningPlan plan, List events) throws GeneralException{
		if(events == null) {"Events are null");
		if(plan == null) {
			log.error("Plan is null");
		List accountRequests = plan.getAccountRequests();
		Identity identity = plan.getIdentity();
		for(AccountRequest accountRequest: accountRequests) {
			for(Map event: events) {
				// Check if this request matches the event configuration
				log.debug("Check AccountRequest " + accountRequest + " matches event configuration: " + event);
				if(!isAccountRequestMatch(identity, accountRequest, event)) {"Match NOT Found");
				// Found a match. need to apply the configurations associated"Match Found ... apply configurations");
				List actionConfigs = (List) event.get("eventActions");
				if(actionConfigs == null || actionConfigs.isEmpty()) {
					log.error("No actions for event");
				for(Map actionConfig: actionConfigs) {
					 * Each action should have
					 * 	Action: What to do
					 *  Attribute: Specific to the action
					 *  Value: Specific to the action
					String action = (String) actionConfig.get("Action");
					if(action == null) {
						log.error("Action Config does not have Action set");
					String attribute = (String) actionConfig.get("Attribute");
					Object value = (String) actionConfig.get("Value");
					switch(action) {
					case "ADMoveAccount":moveADAccount(identity, accountRequest, value);break;
					case "ChangeOperation":changeOperation(accountRequest, value);break;
					case "RemoveEntitlements":removeEntitlements(identity, accountRequest, attribute);break;
					case "RemoveADEntitlements":removeADEntitlements(identity, accountRequest, value);break;
					case "ScramblePassword":scramblePassword(accountRequest, attribute, value);break;
					case "UpdateAttribute":updateAttribute(identity, accountRequest, attribute, value);break;
					case "AddArgument":addArgument(identity, accountRequest, attribute, value);break;
					case "AddArgumentIfNotNull":addArgument(identity, accountRequest, attribute, value, true);break;
					case "ThrowError":throwError(identity, accountRequest, attribute, value);break;
					case "StopProcessing":return;
					default: log.error("Invalid Action: " + action);
	 * Helper Action Methods 
	public void moveADAccount(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, Object value) {
		log.debug("Enter MoveADAccount: " + value);
		if(accountRequest == null) {
			log.error("MoveADAccount: Invalid Arguments: accountRequest is null");
		if(value instanceof String) {
			log.debug("MoveADAccount: value is a string, send through replace");
			String newOU = replaceIdentityValue(identity, accountRequest, (String) value);"MoveADAccount: replaced new value: " + newOU);
			String currentNativeIdentity = accountRequest.getNativeIdentity();
			if(currentNativeIdentity == null) {
				log.error("moveADAccount: Invalid State: Current Native Identity is null");
			if(newOU == null || "".equals(newOU)) {
				log.error("moveADAccount: Invalid Arguments: newOU is null");
			int indexOfCurrentOU = currentNativeIdentity.indexOf(newOU);
			if(indexOfCurrentOU > 0 && !currentNativeIdentity.substring(0, indexOfCurrentOU).contains("OU=")) {"moveADAccount: Account already lives in OU");
			//TODO: Uniqueness checks and serialization
			accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest("AC_NewParent", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, newOU));
			log.error("MoveADAccount: value is not a string or is null: " + value);
		log.debug("Exit MoveADAccount");
	public void changeOperation(AccountRequest accountRequest, Object value) {
		log.debug("Enter changeOperation: " + value);
		AccountRequest.Operation newOp = null;
		try {
			newOp = AccountRequest.Operation.valueOf((String) value);
		catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
			log.error("ChangeOperation: Invalid Operation: " + value);
		if(newOp != null) {"ChangeOperation: update Operation: " + newOp);
		log.debug("Exit changeOperation");
	public void removeEntitlements(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, String attribute) {
		log.debug("Enter RemoveEntitlements: " + attribute);
		if(accountRequest == null) {
			log.error("RemoveEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: accountRequest is null");
		if(attribute == null) {
			log.error("RemoveEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: attribute is null");
		if(identity == null) {
			log.error("RemoveEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: Identity is null");

		Account account = getAccount(identity, accountRequest);
		if(null != idn.getRawAccountAttribute(account, attribute)) {
			List ents = asList(idn.getRawAccountAttribute(account, attribute));
			if(ents != null) {
				accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest(attribute, ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove, ents));
		log.debug("Exit RemoveEntitlements");
	public void removeADEntitlements(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, Object value) {
		log.debug("Enter removeADEntitlements: " + value);
		if(accountRequest == null) {
			log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: accountRequest is null");
		String adDomainUsers = null;
		if(value == null) {
			log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: value is null");
		else if(value instanceof String) {
			if(((String) value).contains("DC")) {
				adDomainUsers = (String)value;
		if(adDomainUsers == null) {
			log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: value is not valid");
		if(identity == null) {
			log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: Identity is null");
		List groupList = new ArrayList();
		accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest("memberOf", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, groupList));
		log.debug("Exit RemoveEntitlements");
	public void scramblePassword(AccountRequest accountRequest, String attribute, Object value) {
		log.debug("Enter ScramblePassword");
		if(accountRequest == null) {
			log.error("UpdateAttribute: Invalid Arguments: accountRequest is null");
		if(attribute == null) {
			log.error("UpdateAttribute: Invalid Arguments: attribute is null");
		String newPassword = "";
		String charset = "ABNCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]:;<>?,./";
		int count;
		int index;
		int len;
		Random rnd = new Random();
		len = charset.length();
		for (count = 0; count < 18; count++) {
			index = rnd.nextInt(len);
			newPassword += charset.charAt(index);
		accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest(attribute, ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, newPassword));
		//TODO: Update to use PasswordGenerator
		log.debug("Exit ScramblePassword");
	public void updateAttribute(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, String attribute, Object value) {
		log.debug("Enter UpdateAttribute: " + value);
		if(accountRequest == null) {
			log.error("UpdateAttribute: Invalid Arguments: accountRequest is null");
		if(attribute == null) {
			log.error("UpdateAttribute: Invalid Arguments: attribute is null");
		Object newValue = null;
		if(value instanceof String) {
			log.debug("UpdateAttribute: value is a string, send through replace");
			newValue = replaceIdentityValue(identity, accountRequest, (String) value);"UpdateAttribute: replaced new value: " + newValue );
			log.debug("UpdateAttribute: value is not a string or is null: " + value);
			newValue = value;
		accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest(attribute, ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, newValue));
		log.debug("Exit UpdateAttribute");
	public void addArgument(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, String attribute, Object value) {
		log.debug("Enter AddArgument without ignoreIfNotNull ... calling other method with a false");
		addArgument(identity, accountRequest, attribute, value, false);
	public void addArgument(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, String attribute, Object value, boolean ignoreIfNotNull) {
		log.debug("Enter AddArgument: " + value);
		log.debug("Ignore If Not Null: " + ignoreIfNotNull);
		if(accountRequest == null) {
			log.error("AddArgument: Invalid Arguments: accountRequest is null");
		if(attribute == null) {
			log.error("AddArgument: Invalid Arguments: attribute is null");
		Object newValue = null;
		if(value instanceof String) {
			log.debug("AddArgument: value is a string, send through replace");
			newValue = replaceIdentityValue(identity, accountRequest, (String) value);"AddArgument: replaced new value: " + newValue );
			log.debug("AddArgument: value is not a string or is null: " + value);
			newValue = value;
		Attributes args = accountRequest.getArguments();
		if(args == null) {
			args = new Attributes();
		if((newValue == null || newValue.toString().isEmpty()) && ignoreIfNotNull) {
			log.debug("AddArgument: value is null and ignoreIfNotNull is true ... ignoring");
		else {
			args.put(attribute, newValue);
			log.debug("AddArgument: setting value");
		log.debug("Exit AddArgument");
	public void throwError(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, String attribute, Object value) throws GeneralException {
		log.debug("Enter throwError: " + value);
		if(value instanceof String)
			throw new GeneralException((String) value);
		else {
			throw new GeneralException("Unspecified Exception");
	 * Helper Matching Methods
	 * This is the main matching method. It will check the operation of the account request first.
	 * Operation is the only required check. If there are not triggers, then every request of that operation matches.
	 * if the operation matches, it will then check to see if everything of the following matches. These are all AND matches 
	 * 		Identity Attribute Triggers: Validating against the identity
	 * 		Account Attribute Update Triggers: Validating against updates in the account request
	 * 		Entitlement Update Triggers: Similar to Account Attribute Update Triggers, but checking multivalued attributes Add or Remove
	 * 		Entitlement Name Update Triggers: Similar to Entitlement Update Triggers, but the entitlement's name is checked instead of value.
	public boolean isAccountRequestMatch(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, Map event) {
		log.debug("Enter isAccountRequestMatch: " + accountRequest + " on event " + event);
		String opCheck = (String) event.get("Operation");
		if(accountRequest.getOperation().toString().equals(opCheck)) {
			log.debug("Account Request matches op of event: " + opCheck);
			List idAttrTriggers = (List) event.get("Identity Attribute Triggers");
			if(idAttrTriggers != null && !idAttrTriggers.isEmpty()) {
				for(Map trigger: idAttrTriggers) {
					if(isIdentityAttributeConfigMatch(identity, trigger)) {
						log.debug("Identity " + identity + " matches " + trigger);
					else {
						log.debug("Identity " + identity + " doesn't match " + trigger);
						return false;
			List acctAttrUpdateTriggers = (List) event.get("Account Attribute Update Triggers");
			if(acctAttrUpdateTriggers != null && !acctAttrUpdateTriggers.isEmpty()) {
				for(Map trigger: acctAttrUpdateTriggers) {
					if(isAccountAttributeUpdateConfigMatch(accountRequest, trigger)) {
						log.debug("Request matches " + trigger);
					else {
						log.debug("Request doesn't match " + trigger);
						return false;
			List entUpdateTriggers = (List) event.get("Entitlement Update Triggers");
			if(entUpdateTriggers != null && !entUpdateTriggers.isEmpty()) {
				for(Map trigger: entUpdateTriggers) {
					if(isEntitlementUpdateConfigMatch(accountRequest, trigger)) {
						log.debug("Request matches " + trigger);
					else {
						log.debug("Request doesn't match " + trigger);
						return false;
			List entNameUpdateTriggers = (List) event.get("Entitlement Name Update Triggers");
			if(entNameUpdateTriggers != null && !entNameUpdateTriggers.isEmpty()) {
				for(Map trigger: entNameUpdateTriggers) {
					if(isEntitlementNameUpdateConfigMatch(accountRequest, trigger)) {
						log.debug("Request matches " + trigger);
					else {
						log.debug("Request doesn't match " + trigger);
						return false;
			List cardinalityChangeTriggers = (List) event.get("Entitlement Cardinality Update Triggers");
			if(cardinalityChangeTriggers != null && !cardinalityChangeTriggers.isEmpty()) {
				for(Map trigger: cardinalityChangeTriggers) {
					if(isCardinalityMatch(accountRequest, trigger)) {
						log.debug("Request matches " + trigger);
					else {
						log.debug("Request doesn't match " + trigger);
						return false;
			String accountStatusCheck = (String) event.get("Current Account Status Trigger");
			if(accountStatusCheck != null && !accountStatusCheck.equals("")) {
				if(isAccountStatusMatch(accountRequest, accountStatusCheck)) {
					log.debug("Request existing account status matches " + accountStatusCheck);
				else {
					log.debug("Request existing account status doesn't match " + accountStatusCheck);
					return false;
		else {
			log.debug("AccountRequest " + accountRequest + " doesn't match operation check: " + opCheck);
			return false;
		return true;
	public boolean isAccountAttributeUpdateConfigMatch(AccountRequest accountRequest, Map trigger) {
		if(trigger == null) {
			log.error("Error isIdentityAttributeConfigMatch Configuration: trigger is null");
			return false;
		String attr = (String) trigger.get("Attribute");
		String op = (String) trigger.get("Operation");
		String val = (String) trigger.get("Value");
		if(attr == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: attribute is null");
			return false;
		if(!"eq".equals(op) && !"ne".equals(op)) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: operation is invalid: " + op);
			return false;
		List attrReqs = accountRequest.getAttributeRequests();
		if(attrReqs != null) {
			for(AttributeRequest attrReq: attrReqs) {
				if(attr.equals(attrReq.getName())) {
					Object attrVal = attrReq.getValue();
					boolean valsMatch = isValueMatch(attrVal, val);
					if("eq".equals(op) && !valsMatch) {
						log.debug("Check for eq did not match: " + attrVal + " vs " + val);
						return false;
					if("ne".equals(op) && valsMatch) {
						log.debug("Check for ne matched: " + attrVal + " vs " + val);
						return false;
					log.debug("Found match for attribute change " + op + " " + val);
					return true;
		return false;
	public boolean isIdentityAttributeConfigMatch(Identity identity, Map trigger) {
		log.debug("Enter isIdentityAttributeConfigMatch: " + identity + " " + trigger);
		if(trigger == null) {
			log.error("Error isIdentityAttributeConfigMatch Configuration: trigger is null");
			return false;
		String attr = (String) trigger.get("Attribute");
		String op = (String) trigger.get("Operation");
		String val = (String) trigger.get("Value");
		if(attr == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: attribute is null");
			return false;
		if(!"eq".equals(op) && !"ne".equals(op)) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: operation is invalid: " + op);
			return false;
		log.debug("Replace value: " + val);
		Object idVal = identity.getAttribute(attr);
		boolean valsMatch = isValueMatch(idVal, val);
		if("eq".equals(op) && !valsMatch) {
			log.debug("Check for eq did not match: " + idVal + " vs " + val);
			return false;
		if("ne".equals(op) && valsMatch) {
			log.debug("Check for ne matched: " + idVal + " vs " + val);
			return false;
		return true;
	public boolean isEntitlementUpdateConfigMatch(AccountRequest accountRequest, Map trigger) {
		log.debug("Enter isEntitlementUpdateConfigMatch: " + identity + " " + trigger);
		if(trigger == null) {
			log.error("Error isEntitlementUpdateConfigMatch Configuration: trigger is null");
			return false;
		String attr = (String) trigger.get("Attribute");
		String op = (String) trigger.get("Operation");
		String val = (String) trigger.get("Value");
		if(attr == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: attribute is null");
			return false;
		if(!"Add".equals(op) && !"Remove".equals(op) && !"Set".equals(op)) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: operation is invalid: " + op);
			return false;
		log.debug("Check change in group: " + val);
		boolean foundMatch = false;
		List entAttrReqs = accountRequest.getAttributeRequests(attr);
		if(entAttrReqs != null) {
			for(AttributeRequest entAttrReq: entAttrReqs) {
				boolean doCompare = false;
				if("Add".equals(op) && entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Add) {
					log.debug("Looking at an Add and operation in trigger is Add");
					doCompare = true;
				else if("Remove".equals(op) && entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove) {
					log.debug("Looking at an Remove and operation in trigger is Remove");
					doCompare = true;
				else if("Set".equals(op) && entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set) {
					log.debug("Looking at an Set and operation in trigger is Set");
					doCompare = true;
				if(doCompare) {
					List valuesUpdated = asList(entAttrReq.getValue());
					if(valuesUpdated != null) {
						for(String update: valuesUpdated){
							if(isValueMatch(update, val)) {
								foundMatch = true;
		return foundMatch;

	public boolean isCardinalityMatch(AccountRequest accountRequest, Map trigger) {
		log.debug("Enter isCardinalityMatch: " + accountRequest + " " + trigger);
		if(trigger == null) {
			log.error("Error isCardinalityMatch Configuration: trigger is null");
			return false;
		String attr = (String) trigger.get("Attribute");
		String op = (String) trigger.get("Operation");

		if(attr == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: attribute is null");
			return false;

		if(op == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: operation is null");
			return false;
		Identity identity = plan.getIdentity();
		log.debug("Have Identity: " + identity);
		Account acct = getAccount(identity, accountRequest);
		log.debug("Have acct: " + acct);
		if(acct == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: account doesn't exist");
			return false;
		String scenario = "";
		if (op.toUpperCase().equals("LASTREMOVED")) {
			scenario = "LASTREMOVED";
		else if (op.toUpperCase().equals("FIRSTADDED")) {
			scenario = "FIRSTADDED";
		else {
			//Currently, we only care if we are adding the first or removing the last.
			//Therefore, only the configuration combinations above are valid.
			//Theorertically we can expand this to look at arbitrary
			//cardinalities and comparators
			log.error("Error Configuration: operation is invalid: " + op);
			return false;

		log.debug("Check change in group cardinality for attribute " + attr);
		boolean foundMatch = false;
		Map pendingChangeMap = new HashMap();
		List entAttrReqs = accountRequest.getAttributeRequests(attr);
		log.debug("Have entAttrReqs: " + entAttrReqs);
		if(entAttrReqs != null && !entAttrReqs.isEmpty()) {
			for(Object entAttrReqObj: entAttrReqs) {
				AttributeRequest entAttrReq = (AttributeRequest) entAttrReqObj;
				boolean collectForAnalysis = false;
				if(entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Add) {
					log.debug("Looking at an Add and operation in trigger has cardinality 1");
					collectForAnalysis = true;
				else if(entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove) {
					log.debug("Looking at a Remove and operation in trigger has cardinality 0");
					collectForAnalysis = true;
				else {
					//Currently, we are ignoring set commands because 
					//in most instances this should not result in a 
					//change in cardinality. However, we may want to
					//add this feature one day to support potential
					//corner cases or plans that have not been compiled
					//against an accurate account model.
					log.debug("Not an add or remove. Ignoring attribute request");
					collectForAnalysis = false;
				if(collectForAnalysis) {
					List valuesUpdated = asList(entAttrReq.getValue());
					List changesForOperation = (List) pendingChangeMap.get(entAttrReq.getOperation());
					if (changesForOperation != null) {

					else {
						changesForOperation = new ArrayList();
					pendingChangeMap.put(entAttrReq.getOperation(), changesForOperation);
					log.debug("Updated map after request: " + pendingChangeMap);
			List currentValues = asList(idn.getRawAccountAttribute(acct, attr));
			log.debug("currentValues: " + currentValues);

			int initialValuesSize = 0;
			if (currentValues != null && currentValues.size() > 0) {
				initialValuesSize = currentValues.size();
			else {
				currentValues = new ArrayList();
			log.debug("initialValuesSize: " + initialValuesSize);
			List valuesToAdd = (List) pendingChangeMap.get(ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Add);
			if (valuesToAdd != null) {
			List valuesToRemove = (List) pendingChangeMap.get(ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove);
			if (valuesToRemove != null) {
			int targetValuesSize = currentValues.size();
			log.debug("targetValuesSize: " + targetValuesSize);
			if ("FIRSTADDED".equals(scenario) && initialValuesSize == 0 && targetValuesSize > 0) {
				foundMatch = true;
			else if ("LASTREMOVED".equals(scenario) && initialValuesSize > 0 && targetValuesSize == 0) {
				foundMatch = true;
		return foundMatch;

	public boolean isAccountStatusMatch(AccountRequest accountRequest, String status) {
		log.debug("Enter isAccountStatusMatch: " + accountRequest + " " + status);
		if(status == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: Status is null");
			return false;

		Identity identity = plan.getIdentity();
		Account acct = getAccount(identity, accountRequest);

		if (acct == null) {
			//This is likely a create operation, so we can't match
			log.debug("Exit isAccountStatusMatch: no account");
			return false;
		if (status.toUpperCase().equals("ACTIVE")) {
			log.debug("Exit isAccountStatusMatch: " + !acct.isDisabled());
			return !acct.isDisabled();
		else if (status.toUpperCase().equals("DISABLED")) {
			log.debug("Exit isAccountStatusMatch: " + acct.isDisabled());
			return acct.isDisabled();
		else {
			//Invalid Configuration
			log.error("Error Configuration: Status is invalid: " + status);
			return false;
	public boolean isEntitlementNameUpdateConfigMatch(AccountRequest accountRequest, Map trigger) {
		log.debug("Enter isEntitlementNameUpdateConfigMatch: " + identity + " " + trigger);
		if(trigger == null) {
			log.error("Error isEntitlementNameUpdateConfigMatch Configuration: trigger is null");
			return false;
		String attr = (String) trigger.get("Attribute");
		String op = (String) trigger.get("Operation");
		String val = (String) trigger.get("Value");
		if(attr == null) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: attribute is null");
			return false;
		if(!"Add".equals(op) && !"Remove".equals(op) && !"Set".equals(op)) {
			log.error("Error Configuration: operation is invalid: " + op);
			return false;
		log.debug("Check change in group: " + val);
		boolean foundMatch = false;
		List entAttrReqs = accountRequest.getAttributeRequests(attr);
		if(entAttrReqs != null) {
			for(AttributeRequest entAttrReq: entAttrReqs) {
				boolean doCompare = false;
				if("Add".equals(op) && entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Add) {
					log.debug("Looking at an Add and operation in trigger is Add");
					doCompare = true;
				else if("Remove".equals(op) && entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove) {
					log.debug("Looking at an Remove and operation in trigger is Remove");
					doCompare = true;
				else if("Set".equals(op) && entAttrReq.getOperation() == ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set) {
					log.debug("Looking at an Set and operation in trigger is Set");
					doCompare = true;
				if(doCompare) {
					List valuesUpdated = asList(entAttrReq.getValue());
					if(valuesUpdated != null) {
						for(String update: valuesUpdated){
							String entitlementDisplayName = getEntitlementDisplayName(application.getId(), attr, update);
							if(entitlementDisplayName != null && isValueMatch(entitlementDisplayName, val)) {
								foundMatch = true;
		return foundMatch;
	 * Helper Utility Methods
	 * Is Value Match is used when determining a specific val1 (identity attribute, account attribute, request attribute) matches val2
	 * If val2 contains wild cards "*" or "?", then we need to check the wild card match method
	public boolean isValueMatch(Object val1, String val2) {
		log.debug("Enter isValueMatch: " + val1 + " " + val2);
		if(val1 instanceof String) {
			val1 = replaceNullValuesWithNull((String) val1);
		if(val2 instanceof String) {
			val2 = replaceNullValuesWithNull(val2);
		if(val1 == null && val2 == null) {
			log.debug("Exit isValueMatch: Both null");
			return true;
		if(val1 == null && val2 != null) {
			log.debug("Exit isValueMatch: obj1 null, val2 not");
			return false;
		if(val1 != null && val2 == null) {
			log.debug("Exit isValueMatch: obj1 not null, val2 null");
			return false;
		if(val1 instanceof String) {
			log.debug("val1 is string, comparing against val2");
			if(val2.contains("?") || val2.contains("*")) {
				log.debug("val2 contains wild cards. checking wild card match");
				return wildCardMatch((String) val1, val2);
			if(((String) val1).equals(val2)) {
				log.debug("val1 matches val2");
				return true;
		return false;
	// The function that checks if
	// two given strings match. The first string
	// may contain wild card characters "?" and "*"
	public boolean wildCardMatch(String value, String pattern)
		log.debug("Enter wildCardMatch: " + value + " against " + pattern);
		// If we reach at the end of both strings,
		// we are done
		if (pattern.length() == 0 && value.length() == 0) {
			log.debug("Exit wildCardMatch: each value is empty now");
				return true;
		// Make sure that the characters after '*'
		// are present in second string.
		// This function assumes that the first
		// string will not contain two consecutive '*'
		if (pattern.length() > 1 && pattern.charAt(0) == '*' &&
				value.length() == 0) {
			log.debug("Exit wildCardMatch: pattern contains additional characters but value is empty");
			return false;
		// If the first string contains '?',
		// or current characters of both strings match
		if ((pattern.length() > 1 && pattern.charAt(0) == '?') ||
				(pattern.length() != 0 && value.length() != 0 &&
						pattern.charAt(0) == value.charAt(0))) {
			log.debug("Recurse wildCardMatch: first character of " + value + " matches first character of " + pattern);
			return wildCardMatch(value.substring(1),
		// If there is *, then there are two possibilities
		// a - We consider current character of second string
		// b - We ignore current character of second string.
		if (pattern.length() > 0 && pattern.charAt(0) == '*') {
			log.debug("Recurse wildCardMatch: first character of " + pattern + " is a wild card need to check rest of pattern AND rest of string against " + value);
			return wildCardMatch(value, pattern.substring(1)) ||
					wildCardMatch(value.substring(1), pattern);
		log.debug("Exit wildCardMatch: value " + value + " does not match pattern " + pattern);
		return false;
	public String replaceNullValuesWithNull(String val) {
		if("#{null}".equals(val) || "".equals(val)){
			return null;
		return val;
	public String replaceIdentityValue(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, String val) {
		log.debug("Enter replaceIdentityValue: " + identity + ": " + val);
		if("#{null}".equals(val) || val == null){
			return null;
		log.debug("Start with val: " + val);
		if(val.contains("#{now}")) {
			val = val.replace("#{now}", (new Date()).toString());
		log.debug("Val after now replacement: " + val);
		int nextReplaceCount = val.split("#\\{now\\.").length - 1;  // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
		for (int i = 1; i <= nextReplaceCount && val.contains("#{now"); i++) { // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
			log.debug("Val still has now ... has a format change: " + val);
			String dateRegex = "(.*)(#\\{now\\.)([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)";  // Adding '{' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
			String dateFormat = val.replaceAll(dateRegex, "$3");
			log.debug("Date Format: " + dateFormat);
			if(dateFormat == null) {
				dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";
			String formattedDate = "";
			case "EPOCH_TIME_WIN32":
				Long win32TimeStamp = ((new Date()).getTime()+ 11644473600000L) * 10000L ;
				formattedDate = "" + win32TimeStamp;
			case "EPOCH_TIME_JAVA":
				formattedDate = "" + (new Date()).getTime();
			case "EPOCH_TIME":
				formattedDate = "" + ((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
				SimpleDateFormat sdf = null;
				log.debug("Use SimpleDateFormat for " + dateFormat);
				if("ISO8601".equals(dateFormat)) {
					sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX");
			else {
					sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
				formattedDate = sdf.format(new Date());
			log.debug("replace #{now." + dateFormat+ "} with " + formattedDate);
			val = val.replace("#{now." + dateFormat+ "}", formattedDate);
			log.debug("Val replaced with date formated change: " + val);
		nextReplaceCount = val.split("#\\{identity\\.").length - 1;  // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
		for (int i = 1; i <= nextReplaceCount && val.contains("#{identity"); i++) {  // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
			String attributeRegex = "(.*)(#\\{identity\\.)([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)";  // Adding '{' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
			String attributeName = val.replaceAll(attributeRegex, "$3");
			log.debug("Identity attribute to grab: " + attributeName);
			String identityVal = null; 
			if(identity == null) {
				log.warn("No Identity");
			else {
				identityVal = (String) identity.getAttribute(attributeName);
				if(identityVal == null) {
					identityVal = "";
			val = val.replace("#{identity." + attributeName + "}", identityVal);
				log.debug("Val replaced with attribute: " + val);
		nextReplaceCount = val.split("#\\{manager\\.").length - 1;  // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
		for (int i = 1; i <= nextReplaceCount && val.contains("#{manager"); i++) {  // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
			String attributeRegex = "(.*)(#\\{manager\\.)([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)";  // Adding '{' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces 
			String attributeName = val.replaceAll(attributeRegex, "$3");
			log.debug("Manager attribute to grab: " + attributeName);
			String identityVal = null; 
			if(identity == null || identity.getManager() == null) {
				log.warn("No Manager");
			else {
				identityVal = (String) identity.getManager().getAttribute(attributeName);
			if(identityVal == null) {
				identityVal = "";
			val = val.replace("#{manager." + attributeName + "}", identityVal);
			log.debug("Val replaced with attribute: " + val);
		nextReplaceCount = val.split("#\\{account\\.").length - 1;  // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
		for (int i = 1; i <= nextReplaceCount && val.contains("#{account"); i++) {  // Adding '}' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
			String attributeRegex = "(.*)(#\\{account\\.)([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)";  // Adding '{' to allow for validator to ignore mismatched counts of braces
			String attributeName = val.replaceAll(attributeRegex, "$3");
			log.debug("Account attribute to grab: " + attributeName);
			Account account = getAccount(identity, accountRequest);
			log.debug("Got account");
			String accountVal = "";
			if(account != null) {
				accountVal = idn.getAccountAttribute(account, attributeName);
				log.debug("Got account attribute value: " + accountVal);
			if(accountVal == null) {
				accountVal = "";
			val = val.replace("#{account." + attributeName + "}", accountVal);
			log.debug("Val replaced with attribute: " + val);
		log.debug("Exit replaceIdentityValue: " + val);
		return val;
	 * Method takes an object and returns a list. If the object is already a list, it returns the object
	 * Otherwise it'll return a list containing the object if not null
	public List asList(Object val){
		if(val == null) {
			return null;
		List retList = null;
		if(val instanceof List) {
			retList = (List) val;
		else if(val instanceof String) {
			retList = new ArrayList();
			retList.add((String) val);
		return retList;
	public Account getAccount(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest) {
		String appName = accountRequest.getApplicationName();
		String nativeId = accountRequest.getNativeIdentity();
		Account account =  idn.getAccountByNativeIdentity(appName,nativeId);
		return account;
	public String getEntitlementDisplayName(String id, String attr, String value) {
		ManagedAttributeDetails entDetails = idn.getManagedAttributeDetails(id, attr, value, Type.Entitlement);
		Map entAttrs = entDetails != null ? entDetails.getAttributes() : null;
		return (entAttrs != null && entAttrs.containsKey("displayName")) ? (String) entAttrs.get("displayName") : null;
		Main Running Code 
	Attributes appAtts = application.getAttributes();
	if(appAtts != null && appAtts.get("cloudServicesIDNSetup") != null) {
		Map idnSetup = (Map) appAtts.get("cloudServicesIDNSetup");
		log.debug("In Before Provisioning Rule :::: idnSetup: " + idnSetup);
		List eventConfigs = (List) idnSetup.get("eventConfigurations");
		log.debug("In Before Provisioning Rule :::: eventConfigs: " + eventConfigs);
		applyEventConfigurations(plan, eventConfigs);