Self Account Management

Hello @vishal_kejriwal1 and @BCyr1 ,

thank you for your feedbacks so far! To recap:

  1. Add and Remove Access Items simultaneously is not possible
  2. Prevent Duplicate Access Item Requests the system automatically discards duplicates but only after the workflow has started. There is no standard OOTB feature to prevent this
    1. Account Activation/Deactivation is possible by following Request Handler Overview: Managing Accounts with Workflows - Content / Video Library - SailPoint Developer Community

The only point missing is the Entitlement removal. I think it would be possible in this way but I need your expertise to advise possible problems:

  1. Entitlement Removal Form. Create a custom Form in which is possible to select the target account.
  2. Within this Form, search for all entitlements associated to the target account and display them in a dropdown box. Make the entitlements selectable to the end-user
  3. Recap for Approval Form”. Create a custom Form dedicated to approvers where they can see details like: the requester Identity, the target account and the target entitlements to be removed
  4. Create a custom workflow to start with a dedicated Launcher
  5. When started, the worflow presents the “Entitlement Removal Form” to the end-user.
  6. When the form is submitted, the workflow initiates an approval phase showing the “Recap for Approval Form” to the approvers with all the mandatory details
  7. Upon approval, the workflow calls SailPoint ISC APIs to remove the selected entitlements

Would this be correct?