Search API includeNested=false returns wrong data

Calling the search API with this body to find an access profile:

  "indices": [
  "query": {
    "query": "{access_profile_id}",
    "fields": []
  "includeNested": false,
  "sort": [

It returns something like this:

    "entitlements": [],
    "requestCommentsRequired": ...,
    "owner": ...,
    "entitlementCount": 2,
    "synced": ...,
    "created": ...,
    "description": ...,
    "source": ...,
    "segmentCount": 1,
    "enabled": ...,
    "segments": [
    "name": ...,
    "modified": ...,
    "requestable": ...,
    "id": ...,
    "apps": [],
    "_type": "accessprofile",
    "type": "accessprofile",
    "_version": "v2"

Note that it says that there are 2 entitlements in that access profile, even though the entitlement attribute is an empty list.

If we call the same query, but with "includeNested": true, it will show the 2 entitlements in that list.

Since we say "includeNested": false, it should not mention the entitlements attribute at all. Now the results are mentioning it, but with a wrong value (an array with 0 elements). Instead of giving a wrong value, it shouldn’t give that attribute at all.