SailPoint IdentityNow VS Code Extension Now Available

A post was merged into an existing topic: IdentityNow Extensions for Visual Studio Code

A post was merged into an existing topic: IdentityNow Extensions for Visual Studio Code

A post was merged into an existing topic: IdentityNow Extensions for Visual Studio Code

Hi @yannick_beot,

I have extension installed in VS code and was able to add tenants however, I am getting below issue while loading sources for prod tenant other tenants just works fine. For prod tenant I was able to load other objects such as Transforms, Rules, Identity profiles, etc. except sources it used to work before not sure what’s changed. I tried resetting prod tenant but still the same issue.

I see below in console logs:

notificationsAlerts.ts:40 Error: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type object
	at C (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:72:5328)
	at Object.join (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:72:12735)
	at k.joinPath (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:72:33844)
	at Tr (c:\Users\Shubham\.vscode\extensions\yannick-beot-sp.vscode-sailpoint-identitynow-0.0.25\out\extension.js:574:5801)
	at new kt (c:\Users\Shubham\.vscode\extensions\yannick-beot-sp.vscode-sailpoint-identitynow-0.0.25\out\extension.js:577:3247)
	at new xr (c:\Users\Shubham\.vscode\extensions\yannick-beot-sp.vscode-sailpoint-identitynow-0.0.25\out\extension.js:577:3456)
	at c:\Users\Shubham\.vscode\extensions\yannick-beot-sp.vscode-sailpoint-identitynow-0.0.25\out\extension.js:577:2406
	at (<anonymous>)
	at Hv.getChildren (c:\Users\Shubham\.vscode\extensions\yannick-beot-sp.vscode-sailpoint-identitynow-0.0.25\out\extension.js:577:2399)
	at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
	at async jp.getChildren (c:\Users\Shubham\.vscode\extensions\yannick-beot-sp.vscode-sailpoint-identitynow-0.0.25\out\extension.js:580:65664)
	at async w.S (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:107:16280)
	at async w.getChildren (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:107:12650)

Hi @Shubhams_009
Can you open an issue in GitHub?
Can you precise the number of sources you have? What kind of sources you have? If there is any non-ASCII character in the name of the sources?

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@Shubhams_009 That’s great news.
Can you precise what kind of non-ASCII characters you were using?
I would like to reproduce the error and investigate whether this is an API issue or a VSCode plugin issue.

Let me take my words back. If I remember correctly source name was entirely blank (delimited file) not sure who created it also It did not have any non-ascii and was not connected to VA cluster so we got rid of it.

That might explain the error then.
I think I will have to skip any source without any name, as I need a name to create a node in the tree, under “sources”.

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I am attempting to export access profiles to a csv but it is finishing at the first 500. Any idea on how to get all the profiles to export?

With the upcoming changes allowing IDN Admins to manage Role access between both Entitlements and Access profiles, will it be possible to do the same in the vsCode IDN extension?

Right now, Role creation and CSV uploading/downloading still focuses on Access Profiles only. No ‘Entitlement’ column exists in csv outputs and no option for ‘Entitlements’ presents itself when building a Role in the extension.

@yannick_beot, regarding non-English ascii characters, I believe there is an issue with the vsCode plugin. Characters like ß ü appear malformed.

We use a transform to marry Location to AD OU, but some locations use non-English characters.

We do not experience this issue in PostMan. The issue seems to follow us across PCs and profiles, etc… So far we haven’t found a solution in vsCode.

The API to have entitlements in roles is quite recent. I was looking into this yesterday actually. I was wondering what was the best way/the best format to export and import entitlements, knowing that we could have multiple sources.

Regarding the special characters for ß ü in role name and I do not have any issue.

Where are these “Location to AD OU” stored?

They are stored as a transform for our provisioning process. They aren’t roles, aps or entitlements. It could very well be an issue with our specific clients, but so far it has been present on every PC/Profile we have tried.

I do not have this problem for transforms:
Whether I create the transforms with VSCode or Postman, I get consistent result in both.
Are you using UTF-8?

Yes, I am using UTF-8. Our issue must be localized. We have a second transform similar to yours which replaces special characters in user names. The issue does not present itself there. We will keep investigating.

@yannick_beot or @colin_mckibben
Is there a way to turn off the automatic updating of the tenant with changes made using the extension upon saving? Or a way to set a tenant as read only? Automatically pushing the change to the tenant upon saving seems quite risky and does not allow for iterative work. I feel that a manual

As an example:
Had an issue where someone was looking at workflow and saved a small change thinking they could push it in after having someone else review it, but the extension pushed the change to the tenant immediately.

Similarly, I was working on a change to a workflow, and I was going to step away for lunch, so I saved my in-progress work so it would not be lost. When I got back, I noticed that the partial change was pushed into the tenant.

Hey @gmilunich
This is an interesting idea.
I think I can make a “read-only” mode. But that would a all-or-nothing switch for a tenant.
I would like to get rid of CC API first but after that, I can work on it.

@yannick_beot That would be a good start for it being all or nothing, as I can just create 2 connections, one read only and one editable for now.

In the interim, what you could do is have a folder on your workstation and copy the config to a JSON file to edit locally on your drive. Then when your changes are done, past the update into the config in the extension.

Any idea why a new tenant added has “read only” rights in VS Code?

I tried PATCHing in Postman using the same credentials and it worked

I was actually just in the process of reading about the latest version updates.

This is an intended change for the 1.3.0 version.

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