Hi Alexandra,
Hereby the report class file: BusinessRoleReport.class (9.0 KB)
- Save this file to the following location:
<IIQ Root Folder>/WEB-INF/classes/nl/remold/sailpoint/reports
- Restart the application server (i.e. Tomcat)
- Import the following report definition (/template) via Gear
→ Global Settings → Import from File
TaskDefinition-BusinessRoleReport.xml (2.8 KB) - Create a new report using the new report template
Business Role Report
to be found in category ‘Role Management Reports’
Example report output:
I hope this is what you are looking for and you’re able to get this report in your IdentityIQ.
(I will share the java code of the report at SailPoint · GitHub, but need to find time to do this )
– Remold