Pending Task Daily Digest Email Template - SailPoint Identity Services

The Pending Task Daily Digest email is sent daily to users who have outstanding tasks in their Task Managers to remind them to complete their work.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

Hi there,

  1. Where can I find this option?

  2. Is $numberOfPendingTasks a global variable? I can not find it documented on Available Email Templates - SailPoint Identity Services

  3. The described Body is missing some content in comparison with the one available in the message template.

  4. You’ll probably say that you are not responsible, but the link /ui/main#launch:tasks is currently incorrect.

Hi @adamian!

Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback. I’ve created SAASDOCS-8716 to review our pending task daily digest email template documentation. We’ll update this thread when we’ve completed our review. Thank you!

Hi Andrei

  1. This option is located at the top of the screen for that template in ISC.

  1. That is not a global variable, but part of the variables under __contentJson, which can vary between templates.
  2. The body in the docs is missing the HTML tags, and I’ve submitted a ticket to the docs team to update.
  3. I’m working to get that URL updated to the right Task Manager link. You’ve probably already done this, but in the meantime, you can edit the URL to be /ui/d/dashboard/task-manager
