Getting started with the SailPoint Rule Development Kit

Thanks for posting the video. A couple of things come to mind, which would make our lives a lot easier:

  • We should be able to deploy cloud rules without asking somebody else to do it for us. This will allow a quicker develop/test cycle. Some unreadable transforms (cause they get so big) would be better suited as tested Java code, but asking for deployment every time is a barrier.
    I understand that you need to review the rule so that it doesn’t misbehave - e.g. if they contain infinite loops, but this could be probably solved with a time limit for the rule / additional conditions. I would be fine to have a special debug mode for the sandbox tenants, where the rule will be completely deactivated if it creates too much trouble.

  • Having direct access to logs for the cloud rules is very important, especially when the documentation is not 100% clear of what is available in the cloud and how the existing objects behave. In the rule development kit we only have mockups of objects, without functionality to be investigated.

  • Is the available? It is clear that if Tyler had to write his own script to test transforms this is a pain point to other developers as well. => I guess it is the one created here: Getting started with SailPoint SDKs

  • All 3 firstValid transforms in the presentation have a default of the year 1970. Unclear why this is needed from a business perspective. How would this be implemented when any missing value should be ignored completely. If all 3 values are missing, the rule should return null.
    A way of handling null values should be implemented, currently the static transform can’t handle this and will just error out – you can’t test if a parameter is null in the static transform, as other transforms return undefined, not null.