GET /api/org/getPendingIdentityTasks

Looks like this may be what we are looking for, the “Monitor” page has been updated to use this endpoint:

at first glance, this will only work with a bearer token I pull off an open session in the browser

Anyone have a work around that shows pending tasks. I can’t seem to get the SLPT-1211 to go away and I suspect there’s some hung task but I have not found a way to discover it with the new API or the suggestion from Jason. I haven’t been able to edit an application since Friday and it’s constantly telling me there are ‘identity tasks pending’ but never seems to finish.

Edit: I have success with /tpe/taskResult/taskResults/pendingIdentityTasks from the dev tools and the token being passed in the browser. fixed it for now.

This endpoint works with the Bearer token generated in the UI but when I use a token generated via a Personal Access Token it returns a 401 with “error=Unable to route request”. If I use Fiddler to replay the same call using a token taken from the UI, it works.


The endpoint in question is a private, internal API. Although you can call it using a browser session token, it is not meant for public use and no support will be given to users who use these private endpoints. Use at your own caution!

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Understood, the id value in the response from this doesn’t work for the task status update API anyway.

@colin_mckibben I think is clear that there is a problem with this endpoint not being properly replaced, so can we get the old end point enabled?

At this point we do not know if it will take days, weeks, months or years before getting this fixed, so we need a REAL solution (even if temporary) and in the VERY SHORT term.


Hey Chris,

You can still reach out to Support and we can help clear tasks, no issue with that. There is an internal API that can be leveraged that @gsanr and @ndanjou mentioned higher up in this thread that will allow you to gather the pending identity task ID, then you can use beta/task-status to PATCH and close. Please note Colin’s message with regard to internal APIs though.

The ultimate fix for this is being prioritized and I am continuing to press internally. I would encourage you to float this up to your CSM so that they are also aware and can communicate internally. The internal number for this specific issue is IDNDENALI-9971.

Thank you,

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@tyler_stevens: the problem is that /tpe/taskResult/taskResults/pendingIdentityTasks only accepts browser tokens (returns “Unable to route request” when called from postman), so I cannot use it in an automated script.

But that is another option, open that endpoint to be of public use.
