I find the solution, sorry for delay but its a long time I dont work on report(the dark side of SP )
<TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.reporting.LiveReportExecutor" name="Report" progressMode="Percentage" resultAction="Rename" subType="Custom Reports" template="true" type="LiveReport">
<entry key="report">
<LiveReport title="Account Group Membership Report">
<DataSource type="Hql">
<Query> from Link l, IdentityEntitlement ie,ManagedAttribute ma,Identity identity left outer join identity.manager m
where ie.value = ma.value and ie.application.name = ma.application.name and ie.name = ma.attribute
and l.application.name = ie.application.name and l.nativeIdentity = ie.nativeIdentity and l.identity.id = identity.id
<Parameter argument="identityType" property="identityType"/>
String scriptCriteria ="";
List<String> identityType = new ArrayList();
identityType = args.get("identityType");
if (identityType != null && !identityType.isEmpty()){
scriptCriteria = " identity.type in( :identityType ) ";
if (!scriptCriteria.isEmpty())
query+= " and " + scriptCriteria;
return query;
<Reference class="sailpoint.object.Form" name="Form-IdentityTypeAndStatusFilter"/>
<ReportColumnConfig field="extended1" header="extended1" property="identity.extended1" sortable="true" width="80"/>
<ReportColumnConfig field="identity" header="name" property="identity.name" sortable="true" width="80/">
<Reference class="sailpoint.object.SPRight" name="FullAccessAccountGroupMembershipReport"/>
<Argument multi="true" name="identityType" type="string"/>
<Argument multi="true" name="identityInactive" type="string"/>
I did this template with query. Using your form I read the arguments and use them in a query script. In this case I use only the identityType but you can add the part for identityInactive, add colums acc…
For the query I put some things like manager, managedattribute and identityentitlement; you can add or remove elements