Enhancements: Updates to API Paging Limitations

Trying to build one using CHAT GPT now. Just can’t figure out one issue currently which is adding in
the filters because the inverted comas are disrupting the flow is what I believe. Its coming up with an unexpected token error for the Source ID eq part. And not sure how to overcome it

Define the base URL of the API and the endpoint to be queried

$baseUrl = “https://tenant.api.identitynow.com/v3/accounts?filters=sourceid eq”
$endpoint = “/items”

Define the URL to retrieve the JWT token from

$jwtUrl = “https://tenant.identitynow.com/ui/session/get-jwt

Retrieve the JWT token from the URL

$jwtToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $jwtUrl -ContentType “application/json”

Define the source ID

$sourceId = “2c9180867a15f0f1017a1f6580392a5f”

Construct the full base URL with the source ID

$fullBaseUrl = “$baseUrl "$sourceId"”

Define the offset value

$offset = 0

Define the maximum number of results to retrieve in each iteration

$limit = 250

Set a flag to determine when to stop the loop

$moreResults = $true

Create an empty array to store the results

$results = @()

Start a loop to retrieve the results in chunks of 250

while ($moreResults) {

Construct the full API URL with the offset and limit parameters

$apiUrl = “$fullBaseUrl$endpoint?offset=$offset&limit=$limit”

Set the Authorization header with the JWT token

$headers = @{
“Authorization” = “Bearer $jwtToken”

Make the API request and store the response in a variable

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiUrl -Headers $headers -ContentType “application/json”

Check if there are more results to retrieve

if ($response.total -le $offset + $limit) {
$moreResults = $false

Add the results to the array

$results += $response.items

Increment the offset value

$offset += $limit

Do something with the final array of results

$results | ForEach-Object