Hey @chandramohans27!
Here’s the solution for deleting Entitlements on a Source (without resetting the Source) that I have been using.
Note: Don’t get attached to it, since it will be deprecated soon (POST /api/source/reset/)
Also Note: This has to be done in Postman directly. For some reason, it’s not working in the VSCode extension.
List all the Sources in your tenant using the List all sources in IdentityNow API:
GET {{baseUrl}}/beta/sources
Get the ID of your Source and input it into the Get Source by ID API:
GET {{baseURL}}beta/sources/:id
Search for cloudExternalId
Copy and paste the cloudExternalId into the cc/SourceReset API URL:
POST {{baseUrl}}/cc/api/source/reset/60***9
<<This is the piece being deprecated soon -
NOTE BEFORE HITTING SEND: This will reset Account AND Entitlements on the Source!!!
i. Use the following endpoint to only reset ENTITLEMENTS:
POST https://{tenant}.api.identitynow.com/cc/api/source/reset/{cloudExternalId}?skip=accounts
ii. Use the following endpoint to only reset ACCOUNTS:
POST https://{tenant}.api.identitynow.com/cc/api/source/reset/{cloudExternalId}?skip=entitlements
iii. I would also like to NOTE, that when I tried using the ?skip=entitlements and ?skip=accounts flag on my requests, they didn’t work for me so I’ve just been resetting all the data on the Source for my tests. -
Hit SEND, and the Entitlements should be reset and you can get back to testing!
Let me know if this works for you! Cheers!