dateType IdentityProfile attribute issue

Hi @ARDS1 ,

Yes, you can use below API to update the technical name of the identity attribute. You will have to update the identity profile after doing this. Also the dateType indexing takes time & it will take some time to start showing up in search.

POST /cc/api/identityAttribute/update?name=
where =
name= = current technical name of the identity attribute

Json Body: Replace name with the new technical name

  "displayName": "MyCustomAttr",
  "name": "mycustomattr",
  "searchable": true,
  "sources": [{
      "properties": {
        "ruleName": "Cloud Promote Identity Attribute",
        "ruleType": "IdentityAttribute"
      "type": "rule"
  "type": "string"

To get the identity attribute list:
GET /cc/api/identityAttribute/list
To get a particular identity attribute :
GET /cc/api/identityAttribute/get?name=
