Access Request for Other Email Template - SailPoint Identity Services

Access Request for Other Email Template The Access Request for Other emails is sent to a user to confirm that they've successfully submitted an access request for someone else. Name: Access Request for Other Subject: ${requesterName} Has Requested Access on Your Behalf Body: Dear ${}, ${requesterName} has requested the following access on your behalf: #foreach ( $type in ${requestedObjectNamesByType.keySet()} ) $type: - #foreach ( $name in ${requestedObjectNamesByType.get($type)} ) - $name - #if($removeDate) {scheduledSunsetDate} - #end #end Thanks, The ${PRODUCT_NAME} Team Attributes This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes: Documentation Feedback

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

Is there a variable that could be used in this template to include the comments made by the requester?

For example, this works for the template “Access Request Decision for Other”

${rejecterName} included the following comment when denying the access: $reviewerComment

Hi @ajtardio! I’ve created SAASDOCS-8782 to check on the requester comment variable. We’ll update this thread when we’ve finished that work. Thanks!

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Hello @ajtardio!
I have reached out to the PM, @jennifer_mitchell, and she has notified me that there is not a variable for this.
If you would like for one to be requested, Jennifer suggested opening up an idea for this ask.

I hope this helps! I also hope you have a wonderful week!
