A workflow that would set extension attribute value when it is approved

Hello Experts

I am exploring options to use a workflow that would be approval based and can set an extension attribute value when requested for .

Are there any existing use case similar to this .

Its on a Azure Connector .

To my knowledge, there is no native way to update an extension attribute using a Worklow and your Azure/Entra connector. Off the top of my head I can think of 2 ways to do this, and neither one is simple.

  1. Use an HTTP Request via a Workflow to call the Azure/Entra Graph API to update the user’s account. You would need to figure out the Graph calls, and also figure out how the Workflow is triggered.

  2. Setup a new entitlement in Azure/Entra, and make an Access Profile with your approval scheme. Create a Transform which checks to see if the User has the new entitlement, which then sets an Identity Attribute with the extension attribute value. In your Azure/Entra source, setup the Create Account to use the Identity Attribute for the extension attribute, then turn on Attribute Sync for the extension attribute.

If it was me, I would go with #2 as it will always make sure the extension attribute stays the same if they have the new entitlement.

Thanks for your response Carl . #2 makes more I have done something similar where i need to set extension attributes based on there licenses . but there was no approval scheme involved as this use case involves approvals that is why I was exploring Workflow option. I guess it would be a Lookup transform that checks for the entitlement .

Your connector should be pulling in their licenses, Then you can create transform based on looking up the licenses.